miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

The Colour Monster!!!

Karen's Baby English Group

Month of May – in class we’re doing the story “The Colour Monster” by Anna Llenas.

First craft was to stick bits of yarn on the mixed up monster. He’s feeling happy (yellow), sad (blue), scared (black), calm (green) and angry (red)

The babies did a great job sticking the coloured yarn on their mixed up colour monsters!

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018

Questions with Phrasal Verbs!

Phrasal verbs can be difficult! But, Jesse's TPET Friday group had fun using them in groups!

They were asking and answering questions like,

  • How do animals like dogs try to get across to us how they are feeling?
  • Which places in your town or city do you most enjoy looking around?
  • Which buildings in your town or city look like they've been thrown up?
  • Are there any buildings near where you live that you'd like to be pulled down? Why?