viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

Summer Intensive blog competition

Each week, students in our morning intensive courses will present the work that they have been doing during the week - maybe a speaking activity, a game, a poster or role play. We will vote on the best performances!

This week's winners are Aileen's T5 group in La Roca!

They have prepared some posters about the Top 6 Things to Do Before You're 30!

See their work here:

If you have any more ideas about top things to do before turning 30, put them in the comments below!

Look out at the same time next week for next week's winners!

El vídeo de la setmana: Pirate School!!!

Una classe pirata, battle training, vocabulary game, learning to fish, temps per jugar... així és una escola pirata!! Aquí teniu el vídeo de la setmana del casal Project English de Granollers:

Pirates a l'aigua!

Els pirates del casal de Granollers es remullen per fer passar la calor!

miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

Summer is here!

Summer is here!

Our summer intensive courses for adults and teens have started. Look our for pictures and videos coming from these classes in the next few weeks!

martes, 27 de junio de 2017

Casal pirata Project English!

Tenim uns bons pirates al casal de Project English de Granollers!! Ja s'han preparat l'equipament bàsic i també han fet una sortida al parc per descarregar energia!

Inici dels cursos intensius d'estiu a Granollers

El dilluns 26 de juny ha estat el primer dia de cursos intesius d'estiu per a joves i adults. Aquí podeu veure algunes fotografies de grups de joves del matí, ja a ple ritme des de la primera classe!